Further links
Here are links to other organisations and groups we work closely with:
- Langside League: League Republic (matches and results) — https://langside.leaguerepublic.com/
- Badminton Scotland — www.badmintonscotland.org.uk
- Glasgow & North Strathclyde (GNS) Badminton Group — www.glasgowbadminton.co.uk
- Lanarkshire Badminton Group — www.lanarkshirebadminton.com
- West of Scotland Badminton Group (Facebook) — www.facebook.com/westbadmintongroup
- Glasgow & District Churches Badminton Association — www.glasgowchurchesbadminton.btck.co.uk
- Strathclyde Badminton League — www.strathclydebadmintonleagues.btck.co.uk
Our club websites
- Eaglesham — www.eagleshamparishchurch.co.uk
- Greenbank — www.greenbankglasgow.org.uk
- Netherlee — www.netherleechurch.org
- Newlands South — www.newlandschurch.org.uk
- Newton Mearns — www.newtonmearnsparish.org.uk
- Old Parish — www.ekopc.org.uk
- Orchardhill — www.orchardhill.org.uk
- Shawlands Trinity — www.shawlandstrinitychurch.org